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  • Angela Bender

Letting the Past Guide Your Future

One of my grandmothers was very artistic. She had a love for American Indians, Wolves and Dreamcatchers. As all grandmothers do, she had a large impact on my life. Little did I realize that at the time. I was infatuated with her work, and as I am growing older and finally applying myself as an artist, I find that her memory is a very big inspiration in me. This project did not start as a remembrance to her, but once I dug deeper and realized that this idea was not my own at all, but something that was instilled into me as a young child, I thought it only appropriate that this entire journey and every piece in its collection, be a dedication to Grandma Bernie.


In the midst of cleaning out my house, I went to throw out some very large pieces of bamboo. What looks and appears like garbage to the normal brain, suddenly occurred to me, that I could transform this into something beautiful with a bit of legwork. There began my journey to the creation of my dreamcatchers.

This is currently my biggest work in progress, as it is a collection. I have posted multiple sneak peak photos throughout my progress, which I will continue to do. I do not rush through any project, and the supplies that I use are things that speak to me, so its not always just a trip to the local art store. We will dive into that at another time, in another blog post! Here I have added many of the photos I speak of. You can also find the first few pieces of this collection in the Shop and Gallery!

A little bit about me... I am also an avid reader, aside from just being an artist. What are some suggested readings on dreamcatchers, their history, etc. I would love to learn more, be able to experiment with different materials, both in an authentic style and a more modern style. Don't be afraid to leave feedback, questions, etc. I love connecting with all of you <3

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